This website was started on March 24, 2004. I created it as a personal page to showcase and provide downloads for all the files I've created for the PC game Aliens vs. Predator 2 (2001)
and its expansion pack Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt (2002).
Since the inception of this website, it has changed hosts from Freewebs, AvP2Mods, LithFAQ and it now currently resides on AvPUnknown.
The site has improved with each transition and is constantly evolving with small tweaks and improvements.
.: Where Can I Get AvP2 and Primal Hunt? :.
There is currently no digital release on Steam/GOG or similar platforms. You can either buy a physical used copy or download AvPUnknown's digital version.
There are various other versions of AvP2 available online. However, this is the most complete package in that it includes the base game, expansion pack, all official updates, no cd cracks, the tools and guides. Enjoy!
If you are having trouble getting the game up and running, I address the most common problems later on this page. If you want even more info, please follow this "ultimate guide" I wrote. It is literally the BEST resource on the web to help you get AvP2 and Primal Hunt working on your computer, as I compiled all known fixes in this guide:
Depends. You can only use them if you contact me, ask, AND receive permission.
If you don't contact me, you may not use my files in your mod at all.
I have set up a copyright covering every single file I have released in its corresponding readme (the text document accompanying the file's release) and a copyright covering
the content of this website here:
.: How Do I Solve The "Client MFC Application Has Stopped Working" Error?:.
Error message: "Client MFC Application Has Stopped Working"
Cause: Multiple sources.
Possible causes and fixes for the error:
Bad copy of the game. Either get a real physical copy, or a 100% complete copy of the game to install.
Bad installation. Try uninstalling and reinstalling.
Wrong display driver/resolution selected via the AvP2.exe. Change the settings on the display tab.
Gaming peripherals (gaming keyboard/mouse, controller) might be causing errors. Try disabling the HIDs related to your gaming-peripherals.
Firewall incompatibility. Try disabling your firewall or enabling full access for the game in the firewall settings. The firewall could possibly be set into gaming mode to fix this issue as well.
Anti-virus incompatibility. Make sure your anti-virus software isn't blocking AvP2.exe or lithtech.exe.
Windows compatibility. Try changing the windows compatibility to either Windows 98, XP, Vista, 7, etc.
Blocked access. Try running AvP2.exe AND lithtech.exe as administrator. For Primal Hunt, set PrimalHunt.exe and lithtech.exe to run as administrator.
Your computer might be too old to play the game. Unlikely, but make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements.
Alt-tabbing in and out of open programs. AvP2 can sometimes crash when switching between programs.
From my experience, those who have a good copy of the game and still experience the MFC error, running the game as administrator or changing the compatibility settings will usually fix the error.
.: How Do I Fix Black Vision Modes, Low FPS, Graphical Tearing, Texture Popping, etc? :.
There are other fixes for the black screen as well. However, these other fixes just disable the vision mode. dgVoodoo 2 will actually keep the vision mode working as originally designed.
.: My mouse movement is zig-zagging or uncontrollable. What do I do? :.
You can either try decreasing your mouse polling rate to 125 or install the di-wrapper into your AvP2 installation directory. The di-wrapper can be found here:
Contact: Email me, message me on the Discord server, my Youtube/Bitchute channel or the AvPUnknown forum.
Location: USA
Hobbies: Gaming, music, movies, sports, fitness, women, etc (not in that order!).
Favorite Games: Anything pre-Disney Star Wars, GTA Vice City, Doom, AvP2, Max Payne 1-2,
Goldeneye 007 (N64), L4D2, Duke Nukem 3D, Minecraft, N64 wrestling games, Pac-Man and Mario games. :P Mostly 1st and 3rd person shooters.
.: Why Do You Make AvP2 Files/Mods? :.
The reason why I started making mods for this game and still continue to do so, it is because it is favorite game of all-time (along with Goldeneye 007 on the N64).
To be honest, I never thought I would be making files for a game and I'm extremely surprised that I still have a site up and running, considering
all the sites, skinners, mappers, and modders, that have left the community.
You'll also notice that the majority of my files are focused on non-AvP oriented themes.
I try to make most of my files bring the player out of the AvP universe and into/merge some other universe or theme, while still maintaining AvP2's gameplay elements for server compatibility.
The reason why I stray from the AvP theme is because so many other people have made custom content for this game that are AvP themed.
There was a void to be filled and making non-AvP themed mods allows me to be more creative. However, I still do make the occasional AvP themed file for download.
The skins I've made were much of my earliest attempts of modding this game. They were fun to do at the time, but nowadays I prefer making themed packs or mods instead of individual skins.
As for all the sound packs I've made, they are mostly my favorite movies that I just had to bring into AvP2.
Feel free to leave feedback, site suggestions, mod ideas, or anything really. Just don't troll. :P